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영어원서 무료다운로드: Aphrodite(아프로디테) PDF EPUB KINDLE

by 올이즈웰 2016. 8. 27.

Title: Aphrodite(아프로디테)

Book Info.

베누스라고도 한다. 원래는 로마신화에 나오는 채소밭의 여신이었으나, 그 특성이 그리스신화의 아프로디테(Aphrodite)와 일치하므로 아프로디테와 동일시되었다. 이 여신은 로마시대부터 르네상스시대를 거치면서 특정의 민족신화의 틀을 벗어나, 여성의 원형으로 서양 문학과 미술에서 폭넓게 다루어졌다. 호메로스는 아프로디테를 천공()의 주신() 제우스와 바다의 정령() 디오네의 딸로 서술하는데, 헤시오도스는 천공의 신 우라노스와 그의 아들 크로노스와의 싸움에서 비롯된 것으로 서술한다. 즉, 크로노스는 어머니 가이아의 음부 속에 숨어 있다가 아버지의 성기()를 낫으로 잘라 바다에 던졌다. 이렇게 하여 바다를 떠다니는 성기 주위에 하얀 거품(아프로스)이 모이고, 그 거품 속에서 아름다운 처녀가 생겨났다.

알몸의 처녀는 서쪽 바람의 신 제피로스에게 떠밀려 키테라섬에 표착()하였다가 다시 키프로스섬까지 흘러왔는데, 여기서 그녀를 발견한 계절의 여신 호라이가 그녀에게 옷을 입히고 아름답게 꾸민 다음, 여러 신들의 자리로 안내하였다고 한다. 르네상스기()의 화가 S.보티첼리의 명작 《비너스의 탄생》은 이 같은 탄생 과정을 그린 것이다. 아프로디테의 탄생담()이 남성 성기에서 비롯되어 키프로스와 관련을 갖고, 사랑과 열락()의 여신으로서 코린트를 비롯한 각지에서 신앙대상이 되고 있는 것으로 보아, 여신의 기원이 원래 풍요와 재생이라는 원시신앙을 바탕으로 한 오리엔트의 대지모신()임을 알 수 있다.

메소포타미아 지방의 신들 가운데 대표적 여신으로 널리 신앙대상이 되고 있는 이슈타르나 페니키아의 여신 아스타르테는 모두가 농경 재생산과 결부된 풍요 다산()의 여신이면서, 한편 사랑과 열락·음탕의 여신이기도 하였다. 이 같은 오리엔트의 원시신앙을 이어받은 아프로디테를 그리스인의 풍부한 상상력과 미적 감수성이 미와 사랑의 여신이라는 하나의 인격으로 만들어냈다.

출처=[네이버 지식백과] 비너스 [Venus] (두산백과)

  • On the heels of Bilitis, Pierre Louys published his first novel, Aphrodite in 1896. It was a bestseller, selling 350,000 copies, sealing Louys' reputation as a popular author of erotic literature. Set in Ptolemaic Alexandria, at a much later date than Bilitis, Aphrodite is as much a love story as a crime story. Louys' decadent, sensual vision of Egypt in classical times is a jeweled setting for a story of transgressive love. The sculptor Demetrios, the favorite of Queen Berenice, falls for a well-to-do courtesan, Chrysis. Much of the story is set in the world of the courtesans, a realm of beauty, luxury, sapphic indulgence, and some dark shadows as well.

    • Excerpt

    • LYING upon her bosom, her elbows forward, her feet apart and her cheek resting in her hand, she pierced little symmetrical holes in the pillow of green linen with a long golden pin.
      Since she had awakened, two hours after mid-day, and quite tired from having slept too much, she had remained alone upon the disordered bed, one side covered by a vast flood of hair.
      This mass of hair was deep and dazzling, soft as a fur, longer than a wing, supple, numberless, full of life and warmth. It half-covered her back, spread itself under her body and glittered to her very knees in thick and rounded ringlets. The young woman was rolled up in this precious fleece whose golden brown, almost metallic, reflections had caused the women of Alexandria to name her Chrysis.
      It was not the smooth hair of the Syrians of the court, nor the tinted hair of the Asiatics, nor the brown and black hair of the daughters of Egypt. It was that of an Aryan race, of the Galilæans from beyond the desert.
      Chrysis. She loved that name. The young men who came to see her called her Chrysé like Aphrodite in the verses which they left, with garlands of roses, at her door in the mornings. She did not believe in Aphrodite but she was pleased that they should compare her to the goddess, and she went sometimes to the temple to give her, as to a friend, boxes of perfume and blue veils.
      She was born on the banks of the lake of Gennesaret in a country of shadow and of sun, over-run with rose-laurels. Her mother went in the evenings to wait upon the road to Jerusalem for travelers and merchants, in the midst of the pastoral silence. She was a woman much respected in Galilee. The priests did not avoid her door for she was charitable and pious; the lambs of the sacrifice were always paid for by her, the benediction of the Eternal extended over her house. But when she became enceinte, her condition was a matter of gossip—for she lived alone. A man who was celebrated for the gift of prophecy said that she would bear a daughter who would one day wear at her throat "the wealth and the faith of a nation." She did not quite understand how that could be but she named the child Sarah—this is to say Princess, in Hebrew. And this silenced the scandals.

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